Chocolate, Mary Poppins and Perseverance

Perseverance is not a long race; it is many short races one after another.”

~ Walter Elliott

never give up

I couldn’t believe my ears as my friend shared his thoughts with me.

“I really hate chocolate … and, I can’t stand that movie Mary Poppins.”

What kind of sane person doesn’t love chocolate? And what lover of classic movies could possibly not enjoy watching Bert and Mary sing and dance?

I decided that he must have some type of severe emotional disorder (as a Psychologist I had to come up with some type of explanation to explain such a startling admission!).

For as long as I can remember, the taste of Hershey chocolate was an experience topped by very few things. As a child, the only thing better was to eat a chocolate bar while watching Mary Poppins – it was the absolute best.

Yet, recently, I read about how these two loves of my life almost never came to be – while also discovering two powerful examples about the power of persistence.

Break Out of the Prison of Perfectionism

Do you strive for flawlessness in your art while setting excessively high standards for yourself?

Do you desire for your writing, art, business idea or performance to be perfect before you put it out to the world?

Do your critical self-evaluations and fears about what others will think stop you dead in your creative tracks and stuck in a no man’s land between your creative potential and discouragement?

It’s time to break out of prison.


Suzanne was desperate as she called my office. It had been many years since she had entered her prison of perfectionism and was desperate to see if I could help her break out.

An amazing French Horn player, Suzanne knew how to play all the correct notes and, although technically on the mark, was continually held back by her desire to perform perfectly while avoiding making a mistake.

In tears, she shared that she had tried almost everything in an attempt to break free, but nothing seemed to work.

Feelings Are SO Overrated (Part 2)

In my last Post I shared how we often put an enormous emphasis on our feelings, rather than focusing on whether our thoughts are self-defeating or moving us forward. Again, I am not saying that we should disregard our feelings (a la Mr. Spock in Star Trek whose main focus is summed up in the words “Seems logical to me, Captain”).

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The key principle here is that if we do not take charge of what we tell ourselves, then our feelings will simply follow those thoughts, whether true or not.

Whether you think you can, or think you can’t, you’re right.” ~ Henry Ford

It might be a thought that begins innocently enough yet, when not challenged with the truth, takes you down a rabbit hole of self-doubt, discouragement and fear. I remember such as moment in high school.

Stop Setting Goals (and Start Achieving Them!)

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“In the absence of clearly defined priorities,
we become strangely loyal to performing daily acts of trivia.”

I don’t know about you, but I get so tired of hearing about setting goals. There are so many different systems available and reminders of why we should do it – yet the end result is often feelings of guilt and discouragement, with only a small percentage of our goals being achieved.

Although most of us are aware of the importance of setting goals to achieve success, very few actually apply action steps in a way that propels them to achievement. This is true whether it is a short-term goal or a long-term dream that is desired.

Are You Ready to
Become Fearless and
Confident in Your Life?

You can maximize your performance in pressure situations and eliminate the anxiety and fear that cripples your self-confidence and keeps you from achieving your full potential in Business, Performing and Life

Whether you are a business professional, performing artist, entrepreneur or creative, I am here to help you:

  • Overcome anxiety, self doubt and fear when speaking in public, interviewing, auditioning or performing in pressure situations.
  • Gain self-confidence and the mental and physical skills necessary to perform in ways that up until now seemed impossible.
  • Grow your business, move up the ladder at work, give effective and powerful presentations and perform without anxiety on stage.
  • Create powerful focus, concentration and presence while creating as a writer, performer or artist.

Hello, I’m Dr. Nick Lazaris, Performance Psychologist and Anxiety Coach, and I can show you that it IS possible to perform, create and live without the self-destructive beliefs and behaviors that keep you from achieving your goals! If you desire to rid yourself forever of the fears that hold you back, while becoming fearless, bold, and confident, then you have come to the right place.

Through powerful online Individual Coaching, Group Coaching Programs, and unique learning Resources I offer support and psychological skills training to help you unleash your peak potential and performance!

If you are ready to take your performance, art, business, and life to a new level, then let’s have a conversation to discuss how I can help you move beyond anxiety and self-doubt to achieve what you are absolutely capable of ~ let’s talk!

Changing the Frame Can Change Your Life

What would happen to your business, project or performance, if you could create a perspective that would lead to powerful and amazing results?

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Every picture tells a story, don’t it…”
~ Rod Stewart

I know an artist. Not just any artist. An amazing artist. Oh, and she happens to be my wife, Ramona. She has an eye for what works and what doesn’t.

I watch her in her studio as she takes a blank canvas and, over time, transforms it into something magical. ( After what seems to be a zillion hours of work, she shows me what I believe is the final piece. I tell her it’s time to put it out to the world so others can share in its magic.

Instead, I hear these words, “It’s not finished yet. I need to put it in a frame.” So, I offer to run to the art store to quickly grab a frame for her latest piece. “No,” she says,

“Picking the right frame makes all of the difference in the world.”

Live Loud and Prosper

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If you ask me what I came to do in this world, I will tell you, I came to live out LOUD.” ~ Émile Zola

My daughter recently brought home her University yearbook and on the cover, embossed in wild, bright colors, were the words, ‘Live Loud.’

I loved it! She was being encouraged to not just have a life, but to live it LOUD – emphatically, boldly, not concealed or quiet but overtly and with undeniable purpose and passion.