2 Words That Derail You or Move You Forward

In my coaching with clients, I almost always hear the words “What if” as they share with me how they are always looking ahead with worry and anxious anticipation. “What if I get nervous speaking…What if no one buys my art…What if I look foolish at a social event…” and on and on.

This version of “What if” will kill off any chance of you experiencing the present moment, causing you to miss what opportunities are right in front of you by nervously living in the future in fear.

However, I wonder what life would look like for you if your version of “What if “sounded like this – “What if I pass the audition and get the part?…What if I am able to relax at the party and meet new friends…What if I learn to be present as I speak in front of others and feel more confident than ever before”?

Commit to the second version of “What if” and discover amazing new and positive results. How you talk to yourself makes all the difference in the world in terms of what your words will lead to.

How I can support you:

If you are ready to challenge your anxiety, begin to overcome your limiting beliefs and say “What if” with a new self-confidence, then let’s schedule a personal 1-1 Free Coaching Call to explore how I might assist you. This is a no-charge opportunity for you to learn more about how it IS possible to manage and overcome the fears that holds you back.

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