Taking Charge in Times of Change (Part 3)

Change is not an option. Change is an Opportunity.

In this series on dealing with change, I have been sharing with you how it is possible, even during challenging times, to actually thrive rather than just survive.

As I shared in Part 1, there are 3 keys to taking charge of your life during times of change:

The question is: How can you take advantage of this opportunity of change to dramatically move forward in your personal and professional life?

  • Adjust Your Personal Vision
  • Discover Hope Out of Helplessness
  • Turn Powerlessness into Action

In my previous post (Part 2), I discussed that it is possible to discover Hope Out of Helplessness. In my final post in this series I would like to share:

Key #3 – Turn Powerlessness Into Action

Change and uncertainty can lead to feeling powerless, victimized and weak.

In order to take charge of your life, even during challenging days, it is crucial to turn our sense of feeling powerless and out of control into Action. Here are 3 key steps to take back your life during tough times:

1) Become proactive

Take responsibility for your life and business/career by utilizing the power of CHOICE.

The 2 most POWERFUL words that exist are “I choose” vs. “That’s just the way I am.”

Learning to accept what you cannot change and taking control over what is actually under your control changes your future!

Awareness > Acceptance > Letting Go > Moving Forward

As I shared in a previous post, no matter what happens to or around you, the one thing that you ALWAYS have available is your ability to choose your response to what is happening.

Focus on action – Take charge – Assert yourself – Take risks – Stop Blaming the event or person for your happiness if things do not go the way that you desire.

2) Practice Perseverance

Especially during times of change, take responsibility for your life.

“The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, nor a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack of will” ~ Vince Lombardi

Perseverance is a commitment to your dreams and goals, not on a one-time basis, but rather daily, hourly and continually.

2 Obstacles to Perseverance:

  • Lack of a consistent commitment to your goals

Perseverance is a great element of success. If you only knock long enough and. loud enough at the gate, you are sure to wake up somebody.” ~ Longfellow

Do you give up too soon?

Do you fear failure or rejection?

Do you not persevere?

There are people in show business who become major stars simply because they didn’t have enough sense to quit when they should have.” ~ Bertrand Russell

  • “Talking” instead of “Doing”

Are you always waiting to get ready? Looking for just the perfect time to start?

Noise produces nothing. Often a hen who has merely laid an egg cackles as though she has laid an asteroid.” ~ Mark Twain

REAL SUCCESS during change is not achieved through luck or just talking about it, but through persistent effort.


3) Display Compassion

Compassion is the ability, during times of change and uncertainty, to step out of your own concerns and feel another person’s needs while finding ways to support them through:

  • Listening and seeking to understand what the other person is going through

Listen more… Talk less.Commit to HEARING the other person.

There is nothing that makes us feel more respected and valuable than for someone to really listen to us in a way that says, ‘What you have said to me matters – it is important.” ~ H. Norman Wright

  • Meeting needs through personal support – being there for them

The need for understanding one another (especially during times of change) is so great that we should become preoccupied with it – engrossed to the fullest in learning what the other person needs and what makes the other person tick.” ~ Dr. Paul Tornier

During times of change, look for opportunities to show your caring and compassion in specific, focused ways.

In summary:

Will you choose to survive as change is occurring, or thrive as a result? Will you flourish and grow towards meaningful goals in your personal life and career?

Change is not an option. My desire during this challenging time of uncertainty, is that you take advantage of the opportunities you are given during this time of change in order to discover a New Vision, a renewed sense of Hope, and all the joy that comes through a heart of gratitude and Compassion.

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